
"Justice is truth in action." - Benjamin Disraeli.

When justice requires, HJH Law can apply for emergency injunctive relief on your behalf. That relief might require a person to do something or stop them from doing something in cases of violence between partners, fraud, misuse of personal or confidential information, infringement of intellectual property rights or defamation.

Ouster and Non-molestation Injunctions

In family cases, an Ouster injunction will require an abusive partner to leave the joint home immediately. HJH Law can seek such an injunction with a non-molestation order to prevent a partner or ex-partner from using or threatening violence against you or your children or intimidating or harassing you in any way.


If you are concerned that someone who owes you money may transfer money or other assets out of your reach, HJH Law can make an emergency application to Court for an order which prevent assets being transferred out of the jurisdiction, known as a mareva injunction. On the other hand, if you are the subject of such an injunction which is unduly affecting your life and/or business, HJH Law can apply to Court on your behalf to lift the injunction, as a matter of urgency.